Musical Instruments
PVM 520TN Peavey Kick /Bass Drum Microphone
$125.00 each by Ron in Hubert, 16 hours ago
I have 2 of these sweet mics. These Peavey mics are great for Bass drums.. I have 2 of them and the first one I sell will have the hard case and the second one will get the soft zippered envelope case..The mics are pvm 520tn cardiod dynamic michrophones.. Both mics come with a mic clip and a 20' foot XLR cord.. I had these to mic up my drums a couple times. But I really don't need them.. I am also selling 7 SM-57 shure 57 dynamic mics with 20m ' cord and mic clips included.. call or text at 9103261385 or for a faster respnse reply to this itme through the site.
Posted in: Musical Instruments.
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