Square D Homeline Generator Transfer switch Kit RCGK2 Meter Main Combo Panel.
$20 by Bookoo Fan in A secret location, Mar 05
RCGK2 Generator transfer kit. A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging. Buyer will receive the kit in picture #1 only. The other two pictures are of the electrical panels this kit fits. This kit will fit the RC816F***C "as in picture #2 and 3"!!! *** would be the amperage of the main breaker. 125,150,175 or 200. This QOM2 main breaker has a handle that operates left to right, see picture #3. Works on outdoor meter main combo panels with the meter above the breaker panel!!!! Check your data sticker in your panel it will list the generator kit that fits that panel!!! Requires drilling of holes in the cover to install this kit. If your load center has a Q2M main breaker this kit will not work!!!!. Circuit breakers or the panel are not included.!!!!!!!! Seller will deliver within a 15-mile radius of Jacksonville.
Posted in: Electronics.