Cars & Trucks
Avoid Business with Caleb M. Thorne
$3200 by BookooSeller in Jacksonville, Mar 10
Caleb Michael Thorne, resident of Wilson, NC. I filed a police report. You knew there was more going on with the 2005 GMC Yukon XL you sold me than you led on. I drove and spent over 2.5 hours, paid you $3200. My children could’ve been injured having to drive back home in those conditions and it shutting off on the freeway. Pay me back to resolve this and avoid further legal action. Only guilty parties block the person they’ve sold to when they know they’ve wronged them. You know what you did and so do the police. Mechanic said the Motor is locked and repairing it cost $9500. You screwed me over. Venmo me my money back.
Posted in: Cars & Trucks.
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