I am planning to purchase onion plants from Dixondale in Texas. The cost of the plants are pro rated from 1 bunch for $16.00 to a case of 30 bunches for $4.00 per bunch. Therefore I do not know the final price of each bunch until I get the responses from those who want them. So far I have 13 bunches obligated so the price dropped to $6.34 a bunch These are the Candy variety that sell in stores for $1.00 + a pound and have the potential to grow to 6 inches in diameter . I will order the middle of Dec regardless of the numbers less than 30 bunches. They will arrive in February (planting time). Most folks get 2-3 bunches. Directions on how to plant them are provided by Dixondale I plant 4 bunches and freeze chopped onions. Contact me before December
Posted in: Farm & Livestock.